
Episode 35: Three Ways to Get the Most Out of Networking



When starting this podcast, we knew we'd have to split up our tasks (there are quite a few of them!) and delegate certain tasks to certain hosts, based off our strengths & what we like to do most! Julie is definitely the networking guru out of the three of us Photospark ladies! She loves going to events, meeting new people, and spreading the news about our awesome podcast! In this Three Minute Tips episode, Julie discusses some ways to get the most out of networking! Key Takeaways: Find Relevant Events: Look at the invites you receive and do some research! Check out their social media, guest list, and event hosts & make sure the event is a good fit! It's never a bad idea to add the hosts as friends on Facebook or follow them on Instagram.. if they know your name when you arrive, you're already a step ahead towards forming that networking bond & connection with them! Chat with Multiple People: It's so tempting to find your friends at these types of events & stick within your comfort zone, but