Personal Branding For The Lgbtq Professional

#59: Does your business sell to Corporations? If yes, then listen up! [Podcast]



Listen to this great (and entertaining) interview with Heather Cox as we discuss - • Supplier Diversity • LGBT Business Certification • Certification as a marketing tool • Buying from each other I had a chance to sit down with Heather Cox of Certify My Company recently and ask her a series of questions around supplier diversity and certification. We talk about LGBT certification, women-owned certification, disability-owned certification, veteran-owned and minority-owned, etc. She teaches us about NAICS codes, the Small Business Association and her past experience as an acro-gymanst! Hit the play button above or head over to iTunes to listen to her answers. This week I am talking with Heather Cox, the co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of Certify My Company, which is a diversity certification business. She helps women, minority business owners and LGBT businesses that qualify; certify their businesses to become part of the ranks and privileges that certification brings. Welcome to the show Heather are you