Minister's Toolbox

EP 61: 3 Tips To Help You Develop A Pastor's Heart



Every church leader pastors or shepherds the people of God. We call church leaders ministers, “reverend,” “priest” and “bishop,” but the most common title of identification is pastor. As you already know, the term pastor is used only once in the New Testament. We find it in Ephesians 4:11-16. Pastor is listed among 5 ministry gifts Jesus imparted to his church after the resurrection. They are apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers.   What if you really struggle with loving people when they exhibit un-Christlike behaviors? During the podcast, I address this and several other issues along with 3 tips that will help you improve. During the show I mention a book entitled, The Minister as Shepherd. The author wrote this book more than a hundred years ago containing insights about past I also mentioned a link you can access to learn more about body language.