From The Bottom Of The Record Box

Kikagaku Moyo brings in the show with a magnus opus extraordinaire



Kikagaku Moyo - try saying that after a few sherbets. Well, if you listen on you'll quickly find out that they are our bookend artiste for this week. Psychedelic Western theme music springs to mind, but it's much more than that. It's a bold choice from Tobin but reaffirms his recent run of excellent music. Tobin is certainly on a roll of late and Kikagaku Moyo certainly back up his credentials as music snout. However, as the introduction to the show declares, Tobin is definitely only one half of the show. Richard slams us this week with one man and a guitar. And one man and a guitar. And then one man and a guitar. Save us. But it's not all that bad because one man is Smog, another man is Kristofer Astrom and finally he brings us skateboarding legend Tommy Guerrero.