Healthy Family Connections

Does Everything Have To Be An Argument?



What do you do, when your 15 year old son, turns even a simple request into an argument? Before we get to the question we’re answering today, I want to acknowledge the unbelievably difficult time we’re in. Between COVID-19 and the limitations it’s placing on our lives and the havoc it’s wreaking on the economy and the latest evidence of gross police brutality against Blacks, and the divisive behavior and lack of leadership from the President, it’s a horrible time. There’s lots of opportunity here to engage your teenagers and young adults in discussions of racism, institutional racism and with the whole subject of coping with crisis. Since we all know that it’s better to light one candle than to curse the darkness, talk with your teenagers about lighting a candle. Is there a way they can reach out and help someone? Do they want to join the protest and how? What experiences have they had with racism? All white people need to know that being Black in America, means being seen suspiciously by Whites virtually