The #AskGaryVee Show

Disney's Magic Band, Selling Stuff on Meerkat & Safety First



#QOTD, PART 1: Would you "televise" anything on Meerkat or Periscope consistently?#QOTD, PART 2: How much time in a 24-hour day would you allocate to watching something live on one of those platforms?#LINKSGV's Morning Routine: a question: vs. Periscope: do I think about Disney investing in the Magic Band, and the future of wearable tech in general? You know the answer. This is an interesting question because this is the kind of future that is inevitable. Smart, wearable technologies is going to eat up the world. Everything in the world will be smart. All of it. ALL of it. Your shirt. Your pants. Your underwear. Your socks. It's all coming over the next ten to twenty to thirty years.It allows things that are physical to go so much further in the digital world. The layering and ammo that this gives Disney in that upfront investment is extraordinary. The recall, the content