The #AskGaryVee Show

A Short: The Current State of Fitness Entrepreneurs



In the last sixteen months of my life, I've changed something major about myself: I've started being healthy.A year and a half ago, I was eating like crap, not working out, and generally feeling awful. It was a tough life, and I realized quickly that I couldn't sustain a life like that. It was impossible. So I hired a trainer to force me to be better. I made an enormous lifestyle shift, and I am so happy I did.But it made me realize something about the current state of fitness entrepreneurs. And I want to shine a light on it.Everybody defaults to what comes easy to them. That should be obvious. But greatness comes from adversity; it comes from looking a challenge directly in the eye and having the fortitude to step up and go after it.This is what's going on with the fitness want-repreneur world right now.Everyone is going for what is easy. And that isn't going to pan out if they are serious about becoming a business person. Just like I knew being a great business person wouldn't pan out if I didn't get health