ProBlogger Podcast: Blog Tips to Help You Make Money Blogging

191: Tools for Creating Great Visual Content for Your Blog



Making the Most of Tools, Apps and Services to Create Visual Content for Your Blog In today’s lesson, we’re going to talk tools for creating great visual content for your blog. Over the last few weeks, we’ve been exploring different types of content that you can use on your blog. In episode 187 we talked written content, in 189 video content and back in 180 we talked about live video. Each are important types of content to be able to create for your blog - but one that is increasingly important today is visual content. When I was looking back at some screenshots of my very first blog from 2002, recently, I was amazed by how boring it looked. Not a single post in the first few months of my blogging used even an image - it was purely text. Today, the web is a much more visual place and I can’t remember the last time I published content without at least one form of visual content in it. Visual content helps you to stand out from the crowd, it gives your content personality, it makes it more useful and it