Kelly's Talkshow




1. A thank you for the opportunity.感谢老板为你提供这个机会。Express your gratitude for the opportunity to grow in your current job or learn new skills.对能在目前的工作岗位上成长和学习新技术表达感激。2. An explanation for why you are leaving.解释为什么你要离开。You do not need to mention the specifics of your new job but might choose to allude to this in a general way.你不需要提及你新工作的细节,但可以隐晦地提一下大概。3. An offer to help with the transition.主动提供职务交接上的帮助。If appropriate, you might state that you are willing to help train a replacement or be available to answer questions after you have moved on.如果合适的话,你可以向老板表明,你愿意帮助培训继任者,或者在离职后有问题还可以联系你。4. Notice.及时告知。Two weeks' notice is the traditional amount of notice. If you’re working under a contract or labor agreement, you might be required to give a different amount of notice.按照传统习惯来说,一般要提前两周告知你要离职。如果你这份工作签署了合同或者劳动协议,你可能需要按照其要求的特定时间来告知。 BackGround Music:特別な一日 Artists:コーコーヤ