Kelly's Talkshow

Positive psychology: 5 habits of happy people 积极心理学: 快乐人士的5大共同点



1. Acts of kindness善举People who consistently volunteer or simply care for others are found to be happier.经常做志愿者或者常关心别人的人更幸福。2. Exercise and physical well-being锻炼与身体健康Regular exercise can improve mental well-being and help combat depression.经常锻炼可以增进心理健康,帮助抵抗抑郁。3. Find your flow找到你的“流”If we are deeply involved in an activity that’s challenging but well-suited to our skills, we experience a joyful state called "flow."当我们沉浸在一个富有挑战性、但却符合个人能力的活动当中,我们会经历一种非常愉悦的状态。这个状态就叫“流”。4. Strengths and virtues优点和美德Studies in the field of positive psychology show that the happiest people are those that have discovered their unique strengths and virtues.积极心理学的领域有研究表明,最幸福的人往往是那些能发现自己独特优点和美德的人。5. Positive mindset积极的思维Optimism, mindfulness and gratitude. Of all these areas, gratitude has perhaps received the most attention in positive psychology.乐观、留心、感恩。在所有这些当中,感恩在积极心理学中获得的关注最多。 BackGround Music:Micmacs A La Gare Artists:Raphaël Beau