Kelly's Talkshow

Zodiac series: Gemini 星座系列之双子座



Geminis are often thought of as one of the luckiest signs in the zodiac. At the same time, they may seem duplicitous and indecisive, perhaps due to the dual nature of their sign.双子座一般被认为是最幸运的星座之一。但是同时,他们可能给人双面性、犹豫不决的印象,这也许源于这个星座的双重性。A Gemini is the kind of person who is always looking for the next best thing in whatever they do, so they are hard to pin down, as they can’t help but become attracted to the next person, event, or concept that they come across.双子座属于那种一直在寻找下一个好玩儿事物的人。所以他们很难被束缚,因为他们会情不自禁地被新鲜的人、事或概念吸引。Geminis tend to be overrepresented in careers such as media and communication, public relations, teaching, marketing, and politics.双子座从事传媒、公关、教育、市场和政治领域工作的特别多。In addition, Geminis are industrious and can complete tasks in record time, making them excellent employees.另外,双子座也非常勤劳,他们可以用超快速度完成任务。所以他们是特别优秀的员工。 BackGround Music:Flight of Elves  Artists:Alizbar