Kelly's Talkshow

Losing Weight 节后减肥大作战



Hey, Kevin, do you know of any good personal trainers? 嘿,Kevin,你认识好的私教吗?I might. Why? Are you trying to lose some weight or are you just trying to get fit?应该是认识几个,怎么啦?你要减肥吗还是只是想健身塑形?A bit of both actually. I packed on a few pounds over the holidays and I’m starting to develop some love handles.都想。假期里我胖了几磅,都开始有游泳圈了。Do you want to sign up for the gym together? 你想一起去健身房报名吗?Mmm…I don’t know… I think I’ll just try to go on a diet and see how it goes.额我不知道...我就用节食减肥法好了,然后看看效果。Really? It's impossible for me to stick to any diet. Besides, I think you still need to combine it with exercise.真的吗?对我来说,坚持节食是不可能的。而且,我也认为需要饮食和运动相结合。 BackGround Music:Don't Rock The Boat  Artists:Skeewiff