Kelly's Talkshow

Zodiac series Sagittarius 星座系列之射手座



Sagittarius is one of the biggest travelers among all of the zodiac signs.射手座是十二星座中的探索家。Curious and energetic, their open mind and philosophical view motivates them to wander around the world in search of the meaning of life.他们好奇心强、精力充沛;思想开明、充满哲学性。这推动他们去世界各地游走,寻求人生真谛。It seems like their plates are always full: a million projects, hobbies and friends. The more, the merrier!他们似乎永远都有做不完的事:一大堆项目、兴趣爱好和朋友。越多,射手就越快乐!Although Sagittarius loves the thrill of a new project or friendship, they can also get bored easily and don’t always finish what they start.射手座喜欢新项目或者新友情带来的新鲜刺激,但他们也很容易厌倦,做事时常有始无终。As a result, they don’t always keep their promises or follow through on their commitments.所以,射手座有时不会信守承诺;或者对自己许诺的事不能坚持到底。 BackGround Music:Estuary  Artists:Alizbar