

Artist Helen Elliott says “There’s something about being self-employed and always being very, very tempted to say yes to everything, mainly because of the excitement of new projects, but also because of the need to constantly build and have income.   In The Show Judith and Nicola answer a question from a listener who wants to say yes to everything and yet earn a great living and enjoy some work life balance. Nicola’s son Nelson has astro turfed their roof and Facebook closed down her ad account again. Not to worry, she’s successfully appealed. Judith’s enjoyed another lovely visit with a free lunch, she’s exploring Amazon Prime Now, falling back in love with 750Words and struggling again with hoses and their sun-baked connectors. #FBAds #SayingYes #FredSirieix #RupertMurdoch #HughGrant #Hectoring #Validated #Creator #Scanner #Thinkific   What's Fuelled Their Fire? Nicola is uploading content to Thinkific and is impressed by client Kate Cocker who pivoted from presenter coach to podcast producer. Judith admire