The Momentum Life Project

S5E11: Mark LeBusque on whether it’s better to fit in or stand out



Are you the type of person who prefers to fly under the radar? Trying to simply stay out of trouble, towing the line and following the rules? Or do you prefer to follow a different path? A path that is not always easy and can often attract criticism but that you’re certain is a better way? On today’s show I chat with Mark LeBusque, he’s commonly called The Human Manager, has written a couple of books about robots and starts each morning completing the statement ‘today I choose to be….’ He’s an internationally sought after speaker, facilitator and coach who challenges the traditional view of work and of workplace culture. In this episode we talk about: Not fitting in and how to have the confidence to do what’s right for you vs trying to please other people We talk about how comparison corrodes confidence We talk about how the traditional system of human performance is based around what you will DO vs how you will BE and why that needs to change We talk about purposeful provocation We talk about how someone on