Rich Piana Back AS ZOMBIE After Death FOR REVENGE!



Rich Piana FINALLY SPEAKS In A Movie, DIES AND Comes Back As A ZOMBIE!  Generation Iron 2 Rich Piana, finally gets a speaking role and everyone is excited! (Please read on the Zombie part is coming!) Big Rich has finally made some progress in his synthol infested, winstrol licking, diana bol gargling life! He gets to live out his dream in Generation Iron 2, take the steps Arnold did, and hopefully one day, become our President! We can beat terrorism with synthol! Generation Iron 2 originated from the first film back in 1977 that starred Arnold Shwartzenegger called "Pumping Iron." If you are reading this and you googled this, you already know about all these movies, so no need to talk about it. What we need to talk about, is how the HELL IN THE WORLD and WHY did Rich Piana make it to this movie? Generation Iron part 1 was good, and enjoyable. Now we are introducing synthol fake muscle morons in Generation Iron 2, and I do not know what the purpose of that is? Read Full Rich Piana Article On Muscler