WE-ekly Check In: 09/02/2019



How are y'all doing? I decided to do a weekly check in just to stay up to date with what I have been working on and to open discussion for everyone listening to chip in on what YOU have been working on. I want to encourage more people to interact, and especially as an entrepreneur, it is PERTINENT that you are not alone for one and secondly, that you cannot do this on your own. This past week was VERY productive for me, and I got a lot done including moving VMG's site, revamping the site and also getting my schedule down with my business partner, Manny. We have some meetings this week to attend, real estate ventures to pursue, and focus on growing VMG Inc. What do you have on your list of to-do's this week? How did you do last week? Let me know! Feel free to open up and let's create a positive community for everyone to be able to join and interact with each other: The Entrepreneur+ on Facebook. As always, I hope you enjoyed this one-on-one podcast. See you on the next one! Follow Manny on IG: @AwkwardManue