Making Disciples with Robby Gallaty

#88 Don’t Give Up on Discipleship – Part 1



In this episode of the Making Disciples podcast, Robby and Chris start a discussion about sticking with discipleship and d-groups even as it becomes difficult. In This Episode, You’ll Discover: Why discipleship is a long term process. Why senior leaders must remain committed to the process. How ministry trends in the 90s and 2000s led to the lack of discipleship. Shareable Quotes (#MakingDisciplesPodcast): (06:00) "The goal of ministry in the 90s and 2000s was to build a mega-church". - @rgallaty (06:30) "We've been using business metrics to gauge biblical maturity. - @rgallaty (22:00) "If evangelism was the only thing Jesus came to do, why did he waste 3 years investing in 12 men?" - @rgallaty Additional Resources: Replicate Journal Discipleship Blueprint 2.0 Disciplemaking Jumpstart Replicate E-Quipping Cohort MARCS of a Disciples Help Us Grow the Podcast: Please subscribe Leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts,