Creative Real Estate Podcast

AAA334 The Importance of Hiring the Right People-Bill Allen



In this podcast, you'll learn: 5 Keys Steps in the Hiring Process: Define who you are and understand your CORE VALUES Stay in the zone where you're really good at, stay at an area where you are effective. Hire a person who is good at the things you're weak at Hire people that think differently than you and perform differently from you You gotta find that Yin to your Yang Your core value is something that you inherently are inside and was built into you since you were a baby Identify where you're good at and what you love to do and stay in that zone *As the owner of the business, you need to own your business core values. Find out what the applicants core values are, what their personality is.  In the interview process, use people analyzer tool. Line out your core values and ranked them out.. Identify the person who don't exemplify your core values and the weakness in your organization. In your hiring AD, use adjective to attract that people you wantfor this position Revolve your questions and ask around