Making Disciples with Robby Gallaty

#43: Getting Your Leadership to Buy Into Disciplemaking



In this episode, Robby and Chris discuss how to get senior leaders at your church to buy into discipleship and disciplemaking. In This Episode, You’ll Discover: Discipleship is the answer to our evangelism problem. What has to happen for discipleship to take root. Why learners are leaders. Why a church can be an "addition" church, but not be a multiplying church. Shareable Quotes (#MakingDisciplesPodcast): "What got us where we are today is not going to lead us where we want to go tomorrow." - @rgallaty "We want you to onboard a new operating system to your hard drive." - @rgallaty "The first step is for pastors to repent for not making disciples." - @rgallaty "You have to audit your processes to see if they are encouraging disciplemaking." - @rgallaty "The replication church grows by equipping and then sending." - @rgallaty "If you aren't investing in people, pray for a season of time for God to send you people." - @rgallaty Additional Resources: Discipl