Making Disciples with Robby Gallaty

#53: My Number One Failure As A Disciplemaker – Part 2



In this episode of the Making Disciples Podcast, Robby and Chris continue the discussion about ignoring the sabbath. In This Episode, You’ll Discover: Why pastors need to take time away from ministry. Why you need to take time to meditate in the Lord. Why failures are opportunities to learn. Why 10% of Americans are workaholics. Shareable Quotes (#MakingDisciplesPodcast): "To sabbath is to refrain from the normal activity of your life as it relates to work." - @rgallaty "Addiction to work can as an addicting as a drug" - @rgallaty "God was always about intercepting their calendar in order to slow them down." - @rgallaty "It is work not to work." - @rgallaty "We're so busy that we can't even miss an instagram post on our off days." - @rgallaty "You're working from rest as you rest for work" - @rgallaty This Episode's Sponsor: One of the greatest predictors of a disciple’s spiritual growth is regular Bible reading. That’s why LifeWay created the Daily Disc