The Momentum Life Project

S3E5: How are you using your circle of influence?



In the latest episode of the Momentum Life Project, The Momentum Architects Kerry D and Dr M talk about your circle of influence and how to approach things that you can and cannot control. Whether situations at work at home or when out and about there are really only 3 outcomes to an issue or challenge: It’s something you can control It’s something you can’t control It’s something that you need more information about in order to know whether you can or can’t control. Most of us spend too much time worrying about things that we can’t change when our energy and focus may be better served elsewhere. If it can’t be changed then often it is best to come to the acceptance that we can’t change it and move on (note: that is not to say that we can’t or don’t have a negative charge around the issue or situation but it does mean that we can look at our level of acceptance around it) - sometimes the ultimate control is letting go of control. And if it IS in your control and you can change the situation or scenario we c