Communicast - Podcast About Communities

22. Elissa Krycer



ROI is a global jewish community of young individuals that want to make an impact. If you ever tried to get in to the ROI community you probably know that only a member’s referral can give you access to application. Once you get in you are a part of this special community and have access to other members and funds supported be the Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation This week I hosted Elissa Krycer, the community manager of ROI in the past 8 years (!). Elissa  grew up in Australia as an active member of the Zionist youth groups where she became a madricha and then State Director of her movement. Elissa made aliyah 12 years ago and within days she started on the road to qualifying as an Israeli lawyer. While commercial law was interesting, Elissa made the next most logical move (for an Anglo in Jerusalem) and went into nonprofit. We talked about the unique approach and method of ROI with their community members and onboarding, the ROI annual summit, the projects members are running around the world i