The Momentum Life Project

S2E13: Strengths based philosophy season wrap



In this episode, the Momentum Architects wrap up the latest season of the Momentum Life Project. This season, the focus was all about the strengths set - one of the key pillars used by The Momentum Architects in their work with organisations to enhance team performance, culture and motivation (with the other key pillars being what they like to call ‘life set’ and stress set’). When talking about strengths and about building a strengths-based approach, Dr M and Kerry D are talking about an underlying philosophy of really focusing on potential and a growth mindset to build momentum. The key to this is knowing yourself and having a really keen awareness of how you operate and how others around you operate and one of the best ways to open the conversation and build the initial foundation for this is through behavioural assessments.  Our favourite is by far the CliftonStrengths assessment as it’s in-depth but practical at the same time (find out more about this in episodes 6 and 12) and can provide great and immed