Inspire Nation | Daily Inspiration - Motivation - Meditation | Law Of Attraction | Health | Career | Spirituality | Self-help

BONUS GUIDED ENERGIZING MEDITATION (6 MIN) | Revitalizing | Inspiration & Motivation | Health | Spirituality | Self-Help



Hi everyone, this is Michael Sandler, your host on inspire nation. Today we have a very simple, yet powerful inspirational and motivational meditation to help you recharge and feel at your best! This is a meditation I used years ago to literally help save my life. I fell in a hiking accident, shattering my hip and femur, and was stuck in a freezing cold creek, bleeding out internally. I stopped breathing, and had a near-death experience, but that’s something for another day. But when I came back I needed to find a way to keep breathing until rescue crews could get to me. And so I did this meditation which I’d used in different ways for years. Thankfully I was well-versed at it, and it worked. You can do this meditation sitting upright, or laying down. Or even broken on the rocks. Technically, you can do it driving as well, but I rarely recommend meditating and driving together, and I wouldn’t recommend it here. You can do this meditation any time of the day, all you need is a few quiet moments, and a place to