The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes

666 Become Emotionally Fit with Natalie Jill



ADDITION IS MORE POWERFUL THAN SUBTRACTION. You’ll hear from a lot of people that if you want to succeed at something you need to cut out all of the bad. This may be in your business, your personal life, or even in your health. In reality, that’s not always the easiest thing to do. How many time have you had your heart broken and find yourself going through your ex’s Instagram posts to see what they are doing? Sure, it would be nice to cut it out - but for some reason you just can’t. The key is not to subtract these things from your life, but to add more positive things. When you do this, you won’t have the time to let bad things into your life. For example, if you are at a restaurant and you sit down at the table you may be eyeing the dessert menu. Maybe that chocolate cheesecake sounds so good. When you order your meal you start with a salad, then order a healthy plate with a lot of vegetables. When you’re finished eating, you’re so full you don’t even want that cheesecake anymore. Apply that same principle