Trail Runner Nation

EP 609: Adventure Planning- the Misogi Method



Do Something So Hard 1 Day a Year That It Profoundly Impacts the Other 364. Misogi means “purification” in Japanese. It is a ritual that dates back to eighth-century Japan. It traditionally involved making the pilgrimage to an icy waterfall, symbolizing intense purification. Dr. Markus Elliot explains that “Misogi is not about physical accomplishment. It asks, ‘What are you mentally and spiritually willing to put yourself through to be a better human?" In this episode, we are joined by frequent TRN guest and friend, elite runner and coach Adam Kimble to talk about how the Misogi approach might help us create new and rewarding adventures for trail runners.  Some modern, evolved rules of Misogi can be don’t die  make it really hard - 50% chance of failure make it weird don't "socialize" your misogi Misogi is more than a physical challenge. It brings in the mental and spiritual.  Misogi is very personal and different for everyone based on typography experience and skill.  We learned about the Misogi Method in