Living Stone Sermons

All for Jesus: Living as Stewards



In this exploration of stewardship, we're challenged to reconsider our relationship with God's resources. The story of the Rich Young Ruler from Mark 10 serves as a stark reminder that our attachment to worldly possessions can hinder our spiritual growth. Jesus' interaction with this man reveals a profound truth: it's not about what we have, but how we hold onto it. We're called to examine our hearts, asking God to reveal any 'idols' that may be keeping us from fully embracing His kingdom. The message reminds us that true wealth isn't found in material possessions, but in our willingness to surrender everything for Christ. As we reflect on our own lives, we're encouraged to loosen our grip on the things of this world and trust in God's promise of abundant blessings - both in this life and the next. Living Stone Community Church This podcast is powered by