Compliance Perspectives

Kortney Nordrum on Social Media Risk in 2024 [Podcast]



By Adam Turteltaub It’s not for nothing that there’s a year in the title of this blog post and podcast. Social media risks change frequently, explains Kortney Nordrum, VP, Regulatory Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer at Deluxe. She is the author of the chapter “Social Media Compliance” in The Complete Compliance and Ethics Manual and will be leading the session Social Media:  Old News and New Risks at the 23rd Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute. These days the range of those risks is substantial. TikTok poses a notable challenge, since it accesses most everything on the user’s phone, which means work email and files may be exposed. At the same time the FTC and NLRB have been very aggressive in their enforcement. The FTC has been scrutinizing endorsements – and a “like” may count as one – by employees of their employer’s products and services. Meantime, the NLRB has made it clear that it believes employees have wide, although not complete, latitude about what they say about their workplace online. And,