

Imagine what you could do if you could always know what someone else was really thinking - no matter what they were saying to you. How would that change your work life, your life at home and your relationships? Here to help you do just that is Vanessa Van Edwards of the Science of People, a human behavior research lab. She's joins the Art of Charm podcast to give us the inside scoop on human behavior, micro-expressions, being a human lie detector and how to read people like a book. MORE ABOUT THIS SHOW: Vanessa Van Edwards has long been fascinated by people's behaviors. In fact, she thought she would work for the CIA or the Secret Service, until she realized that would mean interrogating people. Instead she opted to combine her interest in people with self-help for the business world, which eventually led to her joining the Science of People. The work she and her colleagues do there has been recognized around the world and has been featured on such notable media outlets as Fast Company, Forbes and NPR Busines