Sex With Emily

SWE: This Charming Man



Become charming and confident, even if you no idea what to say and have no confidence whatsoever. Jordan Harbinger is a lifestyle coach. He teaches men the art of charm (no natural charm required). He starts by identifying any situational confidence a man may or may not have. If a man is extremely confident in his work as a doctor, Jordan shows him how to channel that confidence into talking to women. Talking about your favorite band and alcoholic beverage of choice will become as easy as talking about scalpels and stethoscopes. Jordan explains how men can shift their body language to change how women perceive them. If a guy doesn’t have any situational confidence, they have to start from scratch. Men must unlearn all the negative things they think about dating and women. All that negativity is extremely unattractive and hinders men from having the relationships they want. Women can sense when a guy isn’t being genuine. If you want to attract women you have to find out what you bring to the table, and bring