Sex With Emily

Take Your Sex Life from Stale to Sexy, Part 1



It’s the #1 question I get as a sex educator: “our sex life is stale, how do we make it hot again?” For long-term couples, this issue is so common it’s almost a cliche. “Once you’re married, say goodbye to your sex life! Haha!”  Except, it’s not funny, right? It’s actually pretty painful, once the new relationship energy wears off, and we no longer have that magical chemical cocktail running through our veins. That’s why I am so pleased to be doing a two-part, Best Of special on this precise topic, kicking things off with sex educator Ian Kerner, author of the iconic book “She Comes First” and his latest, “So Tell Me About the Last Time You Had Sex?” I’m also sharing advice from Drs. John and Julie Gottman of the Gottman Institute, who have led some of the most comprehensive studies on successful couples, and the key ingredients of their success. (Which includes a great sex life, of course.) I’m pulling out the best-of-the-best of their advice and techniques, so you can try them yourself, and create your own