5 Minute Italian

47: How (and when) to say sorry in Italian



Come and study Italian with us in Milan! Sign up to our mailing list and be the first to find out when the programme opens: http://courses.joyoflanguages.com/5-minute-italian/ Practice makes perfect! To get the bonus materials for this lesson, including a quiz and flashcards, head over to our website: joyoflanguages.com/how-to-say-sorry-in-italian/ Today's Italian words Quando dici "mi dispiace" di solito? = When do you normally say sorry? Quando = when Dici = you say Mi dispiace = I'm sorry (literally, "it displeases me" or "to me, it displeases") Di solito = usually Quando non ho moneta = when I don't have change Quando = when Non ho = I don't have Moneta = change Oppure quando qualcuno mi racconta un accaduto triste = or when someone tells me about a sad event. Oppure = or Quando = when Qualcuno = someone Mi racconta = tells me Un accaduto = an event/occurance Triste = sad