5 Minute Italian

52: Direct Object Pronouns in Italian: Lo and La



It. A pretty easy word in English, right? In Italian, it's a bit more complex, because it can change depending on: Whether it's masculine or feminine Where it appears the phrase. But it's easy when you know how! Learn how to say "it" in episode 52 of 5 minute Italian. Join our Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian/ Get the bonus materials from today's lesson: http://joyoflanguages.com/direct-object-pronouns-italian/ Today's Italian words and phrases Spesso noto differenze tra la cultura italiana e la cultura inglese = I often notice differences between Italian and English culture. Spesso = often Noto = I notice Differenze = differences Tra = between La cultura italiana = Italian culture e = and La cultura inglese = English culture Tipo? = such as? Per esempio, il caffè. In Italia, lo bevete più velocemente = For example, coffee. In Italy, you drink it more quickly. Per esempio = for example il caffè = (the) coffee. in Italia = in Italy lo = it bevete = you drink (plural you - a