Daily Success Show with Jamila Payne

Overcoming Lack Mentality



Your thoughts have the power to control your life. But your businesses can only grow as much as you do. Are you the kind of person who gets anxious wondering when will good things finally happen for you and when they do, you feel like it won't last for long? If so, you might be suffering from Lack Mentality. If not taken care of, it could disrupt your productivity and how you drive income to your business. Identify if you have the Lack Mindset by answering the 7 Questions in the Action Guide. Here’s a peek: “Does your energy deflate as your bank account lowers?” “Do you feel frustrated by your peers in your industry who seem to be further along?” “Do you feel like you don’t deserve a break because you’re not earning enough?” Today, I will help you to start seeing things differently by adopting the Abundant Mindset. Learn how to overcome the lack mentality so that you can grow the business that you dream of. Get the Action Guide for free! See the FULL show notes and get the Action Guide for today's episode at