Daily Success Show with Jamila Payne

How to Make the Transition from Hustler to Breadwinner



Why do we feel so compelled to always be busy? ⁠ The moment there’s not a mile-high stack of tasks or projects on our plate, we suddenly feel anxious and unsettled (when really the opposite should be the case). ⁠ When you're in a state of busyness, you're not focused on your most important work – the income-generating activities and being the CEO in your business – guiding the team, sharing the vision, working on strategy, reviewing your success metrics/ KPIs to make decisions. ⁠ But that's a problem Sis, because even though you want to grow, you’re still an integral part of the day-to-day and there is little or no time to work on the business strategy. Sound familiar?⁠⁠ I'm going to show you EXACTLY how to go from being a Hustleprenuer to being a Breadwinner that's focused on your best work and high-value task that will allow your biz to grow.  In this episode you will learn: Three phases of business growth and which one you’re currently in The REAL reason you are filling up your schedule with busywork and