Daily Success Show with Jamila Payne

My Mid-Year Review and Failing Forward



If you're always looking forward you’ll never see how far you’ve come.  I don’t know about you, but I’m not one for spending a lot of time reflecting on the past.  However, the simple task of doing a periodic review of your business is priceless.  You’re not trying to repeat bad mistakes, are you? Conducting a mid-year review will prevent you from making the wrong moves and you’ll quickly identify opportunities for growth. I believe in this process so much and the difference it will make in your business.  That’s why today, I’m taking you behind the scenes of the first 6-months of our business at Daily Success Routine the good, the bad, and what’s next. In this episode of the Breadwinning Women podcast you will learn: The 6 components to look at when conducting a mid-year review 5 Strategies for pivoting and increasing profits without lower your rates  The critical mindset shift that will allow your business to thrive for the long-term  Tune into this week’s episode to learn how to move forward by assessing