Daily Success Show with Jamila Payne

[Bootcamp] The Secret Formula to Pricing Your Services Profitably



Pricing your offers can feel like tip toeing on eggshells. Not sure whether this is too much or too little and you don't want to lose a potential customer by quoting the wrong price. One thing is for sure, women tend to undervalue their services most of the time.   Not having the confidence and the capability to raise your rates will leave you feeling like you've hit an income ceiling and you're not moving forward.   Something has to change.   For today’s special podcast episode, we’re sharing a preview of the Business Back-Office Bootcamp Day 2 where we’re going to let you in on the secret formula to price your signature offer without downselling yourself.   In this episode, you’ll learn: The exact thing you should focus on to have an efficient client delivery; The pillars of a six-figure signature service; The secrets in pricing your services right so you can pay yourself consistently   If you enjoyed this episode of the podcast, do us a favor and share it with a friend and leave us a rating on iTunes! ⭐⭐