Dental Slang With Dr. Christopher Phelps And Dr. Jodi Danna

Partnerships, Innovation, and Long-Term Vision with Chuck Cohen



In this podcast episode, get to know Chuck Cohen, the Managing Director of Benco Dental. Chuck tells us, first and foremost, that Benco Dental's perspective revolves around the concept of long-term thinking. Instead of fixating on quarterly results, they prioritize strategic decision-making and encourage dentists to view their relationship with distributors as partnerships rather than mere transactions. This entails sharing practice goals and objectives, with the distributor actively working to help dentists achieve these objectives, creating a value-added collaboration. "The interesting thing to me is that I think we are one of the best-kept secrets in dentistry. We're the third-largest player in the space and the largest family-owned, privately-held distributor. Patterson and Schein are bigger, but we're number three. Our market share is only 12%. So, that means, on average, eight out of 10 doctors may have heard of us but have never bought anything from us. I believe that we're a bit boutiquey in that way.