

"Everyone faces the same challenge; aligning their willpower with their volition. The good news is that by following P.A.R.R. they also develop discipline."This Habits 2 Goals premium episode is FREE for ALL subscribers.Five plus years and 500+ Habits 2 Goals episodes later, a single, common theme reveals itself; the significance of habit tracking.Behavioral scientists used to say things like, "habit trackers don't work."They were semi-correct; they do not work when they are not used.When a person tracks their behaviors and follows the P.A.R.R. methodology (Plan, Act, Record & Reassess), they will experience tremendous success.By habit-tracking the 'right' way, they gain positive momentum and feel better about themselves. All because they have aligned their behaviors with their volition.Some people still say things like, "Life is meant for living, not tracking?"The truth is, one can, and should, do both. They should live and track. When your goals are important, it's time to start habit tracking.Enjoy the