

“During the darkest days of the Model 3 program, I reached out to Tim Cook to discuss the possibility of Apple acquiring Tesla (for 1/10 of our current value). He refused to take the meeting." @elonmusk As much as rejection sucks, often, the further removed from it we become, the more it seems like a blessing. After a rejection, two narratives may emerge. One takes us toward a direction of doom—a story and outcome we do not desire. But the other narrative can be hopeful—a story of possibilities.  The idea is to consciously redirect rejection toward the positive narrative which fosters the emotions that set you up for a win, later. In fact, rejection's greatest value may be that it fosters emotional resilience and self-reliance! After a rejection, be aware of the story you're telling yourself. For example, "Oh sh*t! I didn't get that job, nobody's going to hire anyone my age," or, "They wouldn't fund our company, we have way too much debt, nobody is ever going to invest in our company." If you're spiraling dow