

"The longest journey begins with a single step." ~Lao Tzu The Ocho—Season 8—is here, and we follow up last week's episode, "Try Slow," with this week's offering, "The Incremental." This episode was inspired by an illustration MG saw on Facebook: A man, struggling, on his tippy-toes, arms outstretched, attempting to reach the first rung of a ladder—yet the very first step was too far away. It's tough to climb any ladder when the rungs are too far apart. It's equally tough to develop any habit and move toward any goal when the expectations, targets, and next steps are too far apart. The key to habit development and goal achievement is the incremental: Small steps that are attainable, reachable, and achievable. To put our expectations, targets, and goals too far out of reach would make them about as worthwhile as a ladder with steps that are too far apart. Recognizing the INCREMENTAL is critical. Whether it's for saving money, getting out of debt, writing a book, or running a marathon, respecting and mastering t