

"If you want a guarantee, buy a toaster." ~Clint Eastwood Humans love guarantees. Yet, when it comes to goal achievement, finding a guarantee is nearly impossible. Goal achievement is far less about guarantees and much more about probabilities. Nobody is guaranteed to achieve the life of their dreams. They are, however, FAR more likely to achieve such a life by aiming for clear goals and ideals. In a world short of guarantees, we enhance our odds of success by establishing a great plan (strategy); tracking core, essential behaviors aligned with our goals; and having a clear picture of the ideal outcome. Imagine being blindfolded and trying to throw a dart at a dartboard's bullseye. What's the probability of hitting the bullseye when you don't even know where the dartboard is? With no vision, and no target to aim for, the likelihood that you'll hit your target is close to zero. Now, take off the blindfold, aim at the bullseye, and practice each and every day. What's the likelihood you'll end up hitting the bul