

Q: How can I enjoy things I don't enjoy? MG fields a question that stood out from a recent survey. Maria wondered how she might enjoy some of the things she really doesn't, namely her job. MG recounts his experience – an early job out of college as a software support specialist. The only challenge? The job was never a challenge. MG was extremely bored by the work, which required no creativity. He was left feeling as though his contribution was insignificant. To answer Maria's question, he takes two tacks. First, MG leans on a great quote by Dr. Wayne Dyer, "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." While the job was not really enjoyable, MG shifted his perception to the assets the job provided: good pay and the ability to surf as often as he wanted. It also provided an opportunity to learn from a young millionaire software developer. The second part of the solution was found in "The Great Eight that Separate," something Napoleon Hill used to talk about. While anyone might be