

"Never does nature say one thing and wisdom another." Juvenal Today's episode is inspired by a little home improvement project, as MG caps some sprinklers and removes a small amount of grass to make his patio eco/water-friendly. The project is delayed and becomes much tougher than expected due to the appearance of multiple roots underground. The significant difference between ROOTS and WEEDS becomes striking, particularly in the context of personal development. Roots vs. Weeds. First, roots grow imperceptibly slowly. It's impossible to notice their growth from one day to the next. However, return in several months or years, and it's impossible not to notice. Roots are substantial, incredibly strong, and very difficult to extract. Finally, roots grow underground, in silence, and out of the spotlight; roots aren't flashy. Weeds, on the other hand, possess the exact opposite traits. Weeds grow incredibly fast—almost "flashy" in their growth (not unlike certain personalities on Instagram). They're almost impossib