

"Within every game, there are tasks and objectives along the way; your life is no different. Tracking your habits from one day to the next helps you to win the game-within-the-game each and every day!" Anytime you're about to play a game, be it a computer, board, or sport, the very first thing you'll want to do is understand the game's objectives. That is: How are you going to win the game? It turns out, life is nearly identical. This is all the proof you need to fully understand the statement, "Intelligence is goal-directed behavior." The good – and bad – news is that we have to determine the main objectives for ourselves. Those who take the time to establish clear goals and objectives for their lives know where they're trying to go, even if specific goals and objectives change along the way. This is why we admire those who set goals for themselves and go after them; they know where they are going, and they know from one day to the next if they are "winning." Unfortunately, too many people struggle if they