

"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal." ~Henry Ford Arguably, a goal really isn't a goal if there are no obstacles. The pursuit of any worthwhile goal is sure to reveal a handful of challenges and obstacles along the way. Further, when you overcome an obstacle, several more tend to present themselves. While many Goo-Roos will tell you to focus exclusively on the process—NOT the outcome—they are only partially right. Focusing exclusively on the process tends to yield—exclusively—challenges. Too many obstacles, therefore, become totally overwhelming for anyone, even the grittiest of people. Occasionally, it's important to lift your gaze and focus on the ideal end-state: THE GOAL! Remind yourself why you undertook the endeavor in the first place! Since your emotions guide your focus and attention, too many obstacles can quickly drain your emotional reserves, grinding you to a halt! Lack of energy equates to no desire to push onward through the challenges, pain, and o