

"Habit: A shackle for the free."~Ambrose Bierce In 2009, MG was tasked with developing a logo for The Habit Factor® app. The vision of the infinity symbol was one that he couldn't escape.  He proceeded to integrate the infinity symbol as the cross-beam within the letter "H". The reason for the infinity symbol? The more he reflected upon habit, the more the idea of universal patterns came to mind. MG shared these ideas when he was invited to present at TEDx in the United Arab Emerits, back in 2011. It turns out habit patterns are everywhere and for good reason. Energy has a tendency toward pattern and rhythm. That means even our human energy—our behavior—forms into patterns (for better or worse). Think of how you drive to work, brush your teeth and even the meals you eat. The only important distinction MG was intent on sharing; unlike other creatures, humans have the capacity to establish new habits patterns and even break others, at will. Thus, the infinity symbol within the logo had to be broken, symbolizing