

"Awareness is like the sun. When it shines on things they are transformed." ~Thich Naht Hanh In a universe comprised of energy, it's impossible to extract negativity. So, what is it's value? It turns out, negativity has tremendous value. Within medicine for instance, a negative Covid-19 test is very positive. Science experiments with negative results bring the scientist closer to a correct solution. Negativity can be problematic in relationships. Most humans tend to gravitate toward positive, kind and loving relationships. Even though people who are negative may be smarter or funnier, they are often cynical and pessimistic. Too much negativity leads one toward isolation and loneliness. With a little awareness and effort, like tracking new positive habits, a negative personality can become more positive. Enjoy the show! More "tweener" episodes are on the way. Stay subscribed, and be sure to check out the new YouTube Channel. Grab your H2G ALL-TIME Top Download PDF!