Daily Success Show with Jamila Payne

Year in Review: Highs and Lows from 2022 Part 2



2022 was a year full of highlights and learnings.   Even if you feel like you’re ready for the year to be over, there are a lot of business lessons that we can take away from everything that happened this year.   As a businesswoman, it’s critical to learn how you show yourself up for your business, improve your thought process, and know how to act in different circumstances that you’re dealt with.     If you’ve been listening to Breadwinning Women, you know I like to share all of the big lessons, wins, challenges, and insights the year has taught me. These invaluable lessons that I shared for this week’s podcast will spark some ideas for you to strategically grow your business next year without the non-stop hustling.   I hope that this episode can also be insightful and helpful for you. Perhaps you will reflect on the lessons you’ve learned in the last 12 months and allow them to shape how you approach the year ahead.   In this episode, I shared …   How you can consistently show up for your business and clie